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bet365 casino bonusmpletes Winter Safety Campaign

February 17, 2014

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Second from left: Tadaaki Naito, NYK executive
vice-president corporate officer

NYK has completed its Sail On Safety winter safety campaign, which ran from December 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014.
The campaign has been conducted annually since 2004 as part of the NYK Group’s proactive measurebet365 casino bonuso prevent accidentbet365 casino bonushat are more likely to occur due to the turbulent seabet365 casino bonushat are more common during the winter months. During this year’s campaign, 383 NYK Group members, including NYK executives, visited 251 vesselbet365 casino bonuso deepen communication between onboard crew and onshore staff by sharing current information about each vessel and exchanging opinions about safe ship operations. The campaign gave each person at the NYK Group the opportunity to deeply consider what can be done to encourage and achieve greater safety.

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Left: Yoshiyuki Yoshida, bet365 casino bonusrporate officer

Since 2004, 3,100 NYK Group members have made 1,942 visitbet365 casino bonuso vesselbet365 casino bonuso encourage smooth communication and mutual understanding between onboard crew and onshore staff, and thus bring everyone together in a united effort to increase safety awareness.
The NYK Group has continued to focus on safe ship operations and environmental activitiebet365 casino bonushroughout the year by sharing potential dangerbet365 casino bonushat vessels face. However, maritime risks increase during winter’bet365 casino bonusurbulent seas, so this safety campaign is held to warn related parties of additional concerns.
The NYK Group will continue to strengthen its activities in the promotion of safety by reconfirming the basic notions of safe operationbet365 casino bonushrough safety campaigns.
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