bet365 スマホcludes Agreement with Knowledge Universe Singapore
May 22, 2014
From left:
NYK General Manager Human Resources Group
Satoshi Nemoto,
Shee Suh Yng,Manager, Business Development of
Knowlegd Universe Singapore Pte Ltd
Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) bet365 スマホn agreement with Knowledge Universe Singapore Pte. Ltd.,* a leading private education organization recognized for best-in-class early childhood education. The purpose of the agreement is to provide assistance to NYK employees with children, particularly working mothers who have been assigned to overseas offices.
This is one of the action which started in 2014 to NYK’s employees with children, particularly working mothers who have been assigned to overseas offices as part of NYK’s Gender Equality Action Plan. Under the priority enrollment with Knowledge Universe Singapore, a child of an NYK employee recently enrolled at Pat’s Schoolhouse, an early childhood education center operated by the organization.
On May 19, in recognition of this initial enrollment, Satoshi Nemoto, the general manager of the Human Resources Group at NYK’s head office, presented a gift to mark this agreement to Knowledge Universe Singapore.
bet365 スマホtinues its efforts to provide its employees globally with assistance for work-life balance.
*Knowledge Universe Singapore Pte. Ltd.
A member of the Knowledge Universe Group, which is a highly regarded education company with a global network of more than 3,000 education locations.
The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.