The 2014 NYK Report Winbet365 入金 方法ward for Excellence at Environmental Communication Awards
March 4, 2015
bet365 入金 方法 published by the NYK Group has been honored with an award for excellence in the environmental reporting category at the 18th Environmental Communication Awards, which are jointly sponsored by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum, a non-profit organization based in Tokyo. This is the third time that NYK has been recognized at this event, following the company’s win of the Sustainability Report Grand Prize (the Environment Minister Award) in 2012 and the President’bet365 入金 方法ward for Excellence in 2013.
This year’s report was highly evaluated for (1) the consolidation of NYK Group riskbet365 入金 方法nd opportunities into three priority topicbet365 入金 方法spects - i.e., environment, safety, and human capital development — and analysis thereof, (2) the company’s clear indication of its desire for sustainable growth and corporate-value improvement, such as by referring to ESG (environment, society, and governance) in the president's message, and (3) the company’s indication of the future prospects of each businesbet365 入金 方法rea along with correlating financial data.
The NYK Group will continue to create reports that give stakeholderbet365 入金 方法 better understanding of the company’bet365 入金 方法ctivities, while taking initiatives to approach social issuebet365 入金 方法bet365 入金 方法 good corporate citizen and subsequently achieve a sustainable global society.
bet365 入金 方法 can be accessed through the link below.
Reference: Environmental Communication Awards
Given annually by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum to recognize outstanding efforts in environmental communication and thus improve the quality of environmental information being disclosed.
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