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bet365 通貨 Victims of Nepal Earthquake

May 7, 2015

In response to the earthquake that occurred in Nepal on April 25, the bet365 通貨 has started to collect and match donations from executives and employees throughout the group to aid those affected. NYK has deep compassion for those harmed by this natural disaster.
In 2004, the bet365 通貨 established the bet365 通貨–JPF Joint Aid Supplies Transportation Projects with Japan Platform (JPF)* to support the quick recovery of areas impacted by disasters, and the group has since provided free ocean transport when requested by JPF.
NYK offers its wishes for a quick recovery.
*Japan Platform (JPF)
An international humanitarian assistance organization founded to provide quick and effective emergency relief during natural disasters and refugee situations. JPF activities are carried out in partnership with NGOs, the Japanese government, and the business community, all working together to draw on the resources and unique features of each sector. Website: https://www.japanplatform.org/
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