NYK Establishes Logistics Company for bet365 テニス 攻略s in Colombia
September 17, 2015
Left: Bernd Haubold, CEO of Intermodal S.A.
Right: Kotaro Seki,
NYK Auto Logistics Group general manager
NYK has signed a joint-venture agreement with Intermodal S.A.* to establish NYK Auto Logistics Colombia S.A.S (NYKCOL), a logistics company for bet365 テニス 攻略s. On September 14, a signing ceremony was held at the NYK head office in Tokyo and attended by Intermodal CEO Bernd Haubold and NYK senior managing corporate officer Koichi Chikaraishi.
bet365 テニス 攻略 imports to Colombia from Mexico – a country which is growing as a production base for bet365 テニス 攻略s - is expected to increase. NYKCOL has teamed with terminal operator Puerto Bahia** to operate a finished-car logistics terminal that includes PDI*** at the port of Cartagena, which is located in the northern part of Colombia. This agreement with Intermodal S.A. will lead to NYKCOL expanding its services to include inland transport, storage, and PDI in response to expanding demand.
The NYK Group will continue to provide total logistics services that include inland logisticbet365 テニス 攻略nd sea transport by taking advantage of the creative solutions initiated in the company’s "More Than Shipping 2018" medium-term management plan to provide advanced automotive logistics services in Colombia where car sales growth is expected under stable economic growth.
* Intermodal S.A.: A member of the Navemar Group, NYK’bet365 テニス 攻略gency in Colombia, and provider of inland transportation and storage of containers.
** Puerto Bahia: A terminal operator — headquartered in Cartagena, Colombia — for bet365 テニス 攻略s at Cartagena port.
*** PDI (pre-delivery inspection): Services for finished vehicles – such as final inspections, repairs, and partbet365 テニス 攻略pplication – before delivery to car dealer.
Front row, from left:
Koichi Chikaraishi,
NYK senior managing corporate officer;
Bernd Haubold, CEO of Intermodal S.A.
Location of Cartagena Port
The news on this website ibet365 テニス 攻略s of the date announced and may change without notice.