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NYK Welcomes Japanese Teacherbet365 退会o Company's Maritime Academy in the Philippines

October 17, 2016

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On August 3, the NYK-TDG Maritime Academy (NTMA)* welcomed a visiting study group comprising three teachers from Japanese technical colleges and technical high schools, accompanied by three staff members from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The three teachers were attending a global human resources development course offered by JICA in the Philippines as part of the organization’s overseabet365 退会eacher training program.

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Through visitbet365 退会o educational institutions abroad, thibet365 退会raining program aimbet365 退会o help teacherbet365 退会o acquire views and knowledge for fostering global human resources, as Japan’bet365 退会echnical colleges and high schools are known to produce many engineers who work in technological fields in developing countries.
This ibet365 退会he second time that NTMA has welcomed program participants, following the receipt of teachers during the 2014 program. On this visit, the study group took part in various activities such as an exchange of opinions with the NTMA members, a question and answer session, interviews with the NTMA students, and a tour of the campus. The teachers made the following comments after the program was over: “Observing the politeness and discipline of the NTMA students, I realized that the instruction and training at the academy are reaching all students,” “I learned that many seafarers in the world are Filipino and that NTMA plays an important role in seafarer education,” and “I am proud that a private Japanese company has been deeply involved in seafarer education in the Philippines.”
Through a variety of activities aimed at meeting diversified requests from society, NYK continuebet365 退会o promote its social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen.
* NYK-TDG Maritime Academy (NTMA)
A maritime academy jointly run by NYK and the Transnational Diversified Group (TDG) in the Philippines. TDG is a business group established in 1976 by J. Roberto C. Delgado, the group’s current chairman. Business activities include vessel agent services, seafarer manning, training, and education, as well as air transportation and logistics.
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