NYK Distributes Digital Version of bet365 通貨lines to Nearly 180 Bulk Carriers

August 25, 2017

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NYK has released a digital version of its “Essential-15” bet365 通貨lines for the high quality transport of dry bulk cargo. The new, multilingual version includes digital animations and replaces the previous version, which was a paper document. NYK has distributed the updated guidelines to about 180 NYK-operated bulk carriers through shipowners and ship-management companies.

In 2015, NYK created the “Essential-15" guidelines by selecting 15 items considered to be indispensable for safe cargo operations. Officers and operators of capsize and panamax bulk carriers, among other bulkers, make use of the guidelines to prevent serious accidentbet365 通貨uring cargo handling.

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From left,
Fifth: Koichi Uragami, NYK Corporate Officer
Forth: Satoshi Nemoto,
General Manager of NYK Capesize Bulker group
Sixth: Margen, Captain
New digital animations make the guidelines easier to understand, helping to make them a valuable tool for captains, officers, and operators to improve their knowledge and skills regardless of mother tongue or previous level of knowledge or experience.

In order to create an electronic version of the guidelines, a project team was formed by NYK’bet365 通貨ry Bulk Marine Team, and young and mid-career operatorbet365 通貨edicated nearly a year to the task.

The bet365 通貨p will continue its efforts to raise the standard of its safe cargo operations and transport quality.

Features of Updated "Essential-15"

1. Attractive Design and Composition
Includes lots of illustrations, photos, and animations, making the material much more learner-friendly.
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2. Multilingual
Available in four languages, including English, Japanese, Chinese, and Tagalog, so that more seafarers can review the material in their mother tongue.

3. Offline Study
Distributed by DVD, so study can be done without a network connection.

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.