bet365 本人 確認s “Family Day” in Effort to Reform Employee Work Styles

October 19, 2017

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Exchanging business cards with NYK Corporate Officers
This summer, as part of the company’s efforts to reform employee work styles, bet365 本人 確認ed a “Family Day” during which children of employees engaged in activities at the head office and then escorted their parents home promptly at 5 p.m.

Fourteen elementary-school-aged children of employees visited the head office in central Tokyo, and after receiving a presentation on the activities of NYK, bet365 本人 確認hildren participated in one of bet365 本人 確認ompany’s CSR activities — i.e., attaching translation stickers to picture books that will be donated to children throughout Asia. Afterward, the youths toured the office building.

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During the volunteer activity
The event allowed each child to gain a better understanding of the parent’s workplace and encouraged parents to shorten work hours and spend more time in communication with family.

NYK is currently developing initiatives to encourage diversification. One of these is the Yusen Child Care Center, which opened in April 2002 as the first in-house day-care facility in central Tokyo and celebrated its 15th anniversary earlier this year. Through September 2017, 171 children had entered bet365 本人 確認enter. Children of employees at other companies are also now accepted, and to ease the strain of travel on parent and child, NYK offers parking for day-care parents who desire to commute by car.

The bet365 本人 確認p will continue its efforts to reform work styles to raise labor productivity and expand and improve initiatives that help all employees to work with peace of mind.

- Related Link
NYK’s initiatives for employee-friendly workplaces

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