New LNG Carrier for JERbet365 アプリamed “Pacific Mimosa”
December 14, 2017
First row, from left,
Fourth: Toshihiro Sano, chairman of TEPCO Fuel & Power
Third: Hendrik Gordenker, chairman of JERA
Second: Yasumi Kudo, NYK chairman
On December 13, bet365 アプリaming ceremony was held at the Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. for bet365 アプリew liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier that NYK had ordered from MI LNG Company Ltd.* The ceremony was attended by Toshihiro Sano, chairman of TEPCO Fuel & Power Inc. (headquarters: Tokyo, president: Seiji Moriya); Hendrik Gordenker, chairman of JERA Co. Inc. (headquarters: Tokyo, president: Yuji Kakimi); ** Yasumi Kudo, chairman of NYK; and bet365 アプリumber of related parties.
At the ceremony, the ship was named “Pacific Mimosabet365 アプリdquo; by Mr. Sano of TEPCO Fuel & Power, and the ceremonial rope holding the vessel in place was cut by Mr. Sanobet365 アプリsquo;s wife. The shipbet365 アプリsquo;s main port of call will be in Australia, and the vessel derives its name from Australiabet365 アプリsquo;s national flower, which is part of the Mimosa family.
The ship will be delivered in March 2018 and assigned to transport LNG for JERA from the Wheatstone LNG project — in which JERA, Mitsubishi Corporation (head office: Tokyo; president and CEO: Takehiko Kakiuchi), and NYK participate. LNG Marine Transport Ltd.*** will be responsible for the operational management of the vessel.
NYK will continue its efforts for stable energy transport.
* MI LNG Company, Ltd.
Jointly established by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Imabari Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
**JERA Co. Inc.
Jointly established by TEPCO Fuel & Power Inc. and Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.
*** LNG Marine Transport Ltd.
Jointly established by JERA Co. Inc. (70%), Mitsubishi Corporation (15%), and Nippon Yusen Kaisha (15%). Responsible for operational management of the maritime transport of LNG.
Length overall: 288 meters
Breadth: 48.94 meters
Main engine: steam turbine
Gross tonnage: 138,000 tons
Cargo tank capacity: 155,300 cubic meters
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
Flag: Japan
- Reference
Announcement on October 10, 2017, “LNG Production Gets Underway at Australia's Wheatstone LNG Project,bet365 アプリdquo;
Announcement on May 8, 2014, “NYK Concludes Charter Contract with TEPCO Subsidiary for New LNG Carrier,bet365 アプリdquo;
Announcement on June 18, 2012, “NYK Jointly Participates in Wheatstone LNG Project,bet365 アプリdquo;