bet365 入金方法or Large LNG-fueled Bulk Carrier Completed
July 5, 2018
Japan Marine United Corporation
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) and Japan Marine United Corporation (JMU) have completed the bet365 入金方法or a 200K DWT LNG-fueled bulk carrier. The design has passed inspection by ClassNK and obtained approval in principle (AiP).
The use of LNG as a main fuel can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2 by approximately 30 percent in comparison to a bulk carrier of bet365 入金方法ame size using conventional heavy oil. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are also cut by as much as 80 percent, and sulfur oxides (SOx) by almost 100 percent. LNG fuel is thus expected to become more common as a next-generation clean fuel and a possible alternative to conventional heavy oil.
Features of bet365 入金方法hip are provided below.
- The basic design was created by JMU based on designs of 200K DWT heavy-oil-fueled bulk carrier which JMU has designed up to current. Combining the GHG emissions resulting from ship design together with the use of LNG fuel, bet365 入金方法hip will be able to lower its Energy Efficient Design Index, or EEDI defined by International Maritime Organization (IMO), by about 40 percent, exceeding the Phase 0 to Phase 3 reduction of 30 percent, a reduction that had been considered to be difficult for a large bulk carrier to attain. This design can contribute to the IMO strategy of a 40 percent improvement in the global shipping industry’s fuel efficiency by 2030, a strategy adopted at the 72nd Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 72) held in April this year.
- The arrangement of the LNG-fuel tank and the LNG-fuel supply-system equipment allows bet365 入金方法hip to increase its cargo-hold volume and reduce fuel consumption in comparison to a conventional bulk carrier of bet365 入金方法ame size, despite the weight increase caused by additional equipment.
bet365 入金方法hip's concept design was given an AiP by ClassNK, and NYK and JMU can now begin negotiations with customers for large LNG-fueled vessels capable of reducing environmental loads.
NYK and JMU will continue to contribute to a sustainable society through the provision and operation of eco-friendly ships, making use of technologies to reduce environmental loads.
- Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha
Head office: Tokyo
President: Tadaaki Naito
- Japan Marine United Corporation
Head office: Yokohama
President & CEO: Kotaro Chiba
Receiving the certification reception Photo from left, Toshiyuki Shigemi, NK Executive Director, Senior Executive Vice President Takayuki Sasaki, JMU Director and Senior managing Officer Taizo Yoshida, NYK Corporate Officer |