NYK has been highlighted as a global leader on corporate climate action by environmental impact non-profit organization CDP*, achieving a place on the bet365 入金ange A List.
In 2018, 6937 companies disclosed data about their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities to CDP, on behalf of over 650 investors with over US0 trillion in assets. 126 companies made this year’s bet365 入金ange A List, including 20 Japanese companies.
Today, the award ceremony was held at their debriefing session which took place in Tokyo. Noriko Miyamoto, managing corporate officer of NYK, attended bet365 入金eremony and introduce bet365 入金ompany’s environmental initiatives.
Main environmental initiatives taken by NYK
- Disclosing environmental strategy, bet365 入金ange risk and chance, and environmental data.
- Reducing GHG through the optimization of ship operation using big data, and development of eco-friendly vessel.
- Receiving SBT initiative verification for its medium-to-long-term environmental goal. **
- Establishing the green business team to create new business in renewable energy field.
- Becoming world’s first company in the global shipping industry to issue labelled green bonds and enforcing environmental investment.
In accordance with the medium-term management plan “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green”, bet365 入金ompany aims to contribute to the sustainable development of society and enrichment of bet365 入金ompany’s corporate value through creative innovation.
* CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)
An international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Since 2003, CDP has been sending out questionnaires every year to major companies around the world and evaluates bet365 入金orporate action.
The full list of companies that made this year’s CDP bet365 入金ange A List are available here, along with all other public company scores
** Medium- to long-term environmental targets
NYK’s reduction targets for GHG emissions are 30% per ton-kilometer by 2030 compared with a 2015 base year, and 50% per ton-kilometer by 2050 compared with the same base year. The bet365 入金p will make its best efforts to reduce GHG emissions by increasing the efficiency of fleet allocation, vessel operation, and cargo handling; striving to achieve zero downtime; and realizing visualization and optimization through hardware innovation and digitalization. These targets have been recognized as science-based by the international Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative.
Noriko Miyamoto, NYK managing corporate officer is giving an address
Commemorative photo
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