Bet365 登録方法s Crisis-response Drill with ONE

On February 8, Bet365 登録方法ed a crisis-response drill based on the scenario of a serious fire occurring on a containership operated by Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd. (ONE), an integrated global container shipping company headquartered in Singapore.

The drill scenario had a fire breaking out inside a containership while the ship was at Tokyo’s Oi Container Terminal. The drill continued with an assumed explosion followed by fire-fighting, rescue of the injured, and evacuation of neighborhoods. The drill had the vessel managed by NYK Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd. (NYKSM), an Bet365 登録方法p company.

A total of 60 related parties from NYK, NYKSM, ONE’s headquarters in Singapore, and ONE’s Japan branch participated in Bet365 登録方法rill. During the tense events, the participants reconfirmed the process and collaboration for emergency measures, emergency contacts, and press releases during a series of responses that occurred as close to reality as possible.

The greatest mission of the Bet365 登録方法p is to deliver its customers’ goods safety and securely, and the group will continue to work steadily to ensure safe operation on land and at sea.

- During Bet365 登録方法rill

Bet365 登録方法

ONE’s Crisis Management Center

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ONE’s Communication Team in discussion

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