bet365 入金ssues Its 2019 NYK Report

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NYK has issued the English version of the company’s 2019 NYK Report.

The 2019 report introduces the bet365 入金p’s material issues, the links between the group’s growth strategies and SDGs, and details about the group’s corporate philosophy and value creation for the next generation.

In his message, bet365 入金ew NYK president provides an outlook for the group by reviewing the progress of the medium-term management plan “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green” and examining the relationship between corporate culture and new value creation.

The report also focuses on “Green,” one of the key areas emphasized in the medium-term management plan. A roundtable discussion featuring younger employees and management responsible for the group’s environmental activities provides insight into NYK’s efforts to create value by addressing environmental issues in various fields.

The full report can be accessed through the link below:

If you would prefer a physical copy of the report, please use the following link to request a copy:

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