NYK Selected for bet365 入金 クレジット カードorld’s Leading ESG Index for 17th Consecutive Year

NYK has been selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI),* bet365 入金 クレジット カードorld's leading investment indexes for ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria, for a 17th straight year.

The DJSI, which is a major global index for companies engaging in ESG initiatives, is composed of selected sustainability-driven companies from over 3,500 worldwide companies invited to participate in a selection process consisting of an in-depth analysis of economic, environmental, and social criteria, such as corporate governance, risk management, climate change, and stakeholder relations.

In addition to the FTSE4Good Index for which NYK was selected for a 17th straight year and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for which NYK was selected for a third straight year in July this year, the DJSI is an important selection standard for investors who value corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

NYK continues to integrate ESG initiatives into management strategy and its efforts to address social and environmental issues for the improvement of corporate value.

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* Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI): The results of the annual DJSI review are announced jointly by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, bet365 入金 クレジット カードorld's largest global resource for index-based concepts, data, and research, and RobecoSAM, a Switzerland-based company that conducts assessments of corporate sustainability.


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