Bet365 登録方法p Companies Recognized at 14th Environmental Management Conference

On November 30 at NYK’s 14th Environmental Management Conference, held online this year, three companies were recognized for their improvement of company value. The three — Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd., Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corporation, and Yokohama Building Co., Ltd. — were selected from among 39 domestic Bet365 登録方法p companies and were presented with certificates of commendation on December 16.

NYK holds this conference once a year with Bet365 登録方法p companies to share information on environmental practices and strengthen environmental management. The three recognized group companies were highly commended for connecting their environmental measures to their business activities. Details of the measures are provided below.

Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd.

Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corporation

Yokohama Building Co., Ltd.

The conference participants were also captivated by a presentation by Toshihiko Goto of Global Compact Network Japan* who spoke on the topic of “Climate Crisis and Environmental Management during/after the Pandemic.”

The participating group companies received a video message from NYK senior managing executive officer Tomoyuki Koyama, who said, "Each of our businesses is subject to various environmental regulations and challenges, but we hope that by working diligently, you will be able to meet the expectations of your stakeholders and the demands of society.”

NYK continues to fuse the Group’s growth strategy with ESG, enhance its activities to reduce the environmental impact of the entire Bet365 登録方法p, and will make an effort to achieve its medium-to-long-term environmental targets** for the sustainable development of society and enrichment of the group’s corporate value.

* Global Compact Network Japan
Japan Branch of the United Nations Global Compact. A platform for sustainable development, a place for exchange of information, and study sessions for member companies and organizations. NYK joined in March 2008.

* *medium-to-long-term environmental targets
NYK’s reduction targets for GHG emissions are 30% per ton-kilometer by 2030 compared with a 2015 base year, and 50% per ton-kilometer by 2050 compared with the same base year. The Bet365 登録方法p will make its best efforts to reduce GHG emissions by increasing the efficiency of fleet allocation, vessel operation, and cargo handling; striving to achieve zero downtime; and realizing visualization and optimization through hardware innovation and digitalization. These targets have been recognized as science-based by the international Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative.

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From left)
Yasuhiro Asada, Manager, Fleet Management Department of Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corporation
Yukio Ishihara, Director of Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corporation
Masahiro Takahashi, General Manager of NYK’s Environment Group
Kuniaki Inaoka, VP & General Manager of General Affairs of Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd.


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Overview of each Company

Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd.
Head office: Yokohama
President: Hitoshi Oshika
Shareholder: NYK 100%

Shin-Nippon Kaiyosha Corporation
Head office: Yokohama
President: Yoshiyuki Yoshida
Shareholder: NYK 100%

Yokohama Building Co., Ltd.
Head office: Yokohama
President: Akihiro Fujii
Shareholder: Yusen Real Estate Corporation and others
Website: (Japanese)

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