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The bet365 中文p’s Top News Stories for 2020

This year, under the medium-term management plan "Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green," which integrates ESG issues into management strategies, NYK has promoted various initiatives, such as the first onboard use of digital currency, the remote navigation of a tugboat, and the operation of Japan's first LNG bunkering vessel.
Additionally, in October NYK took delivery of Sakura Leader, a pure car and truck carrier (PCTC) capable of navigating oceans with only LNG as the ship’s main fuel, and marked a remarkable step toward achieving NYK’s environment management target.
Here are the top bet365 中文p news stories of 2020.

◆ ESG / Environment, Green Initiatives

Efforts to Promote Offshore Wind Power

Zero Emission Initiatives

Promoting LNG for Ship Fuel


◆ ESG / Social Issues

Solutions to Marine Plastic Pollution

Seafarer Training

Approaches to environmental issues and information disclosure

◆ ESG / Governance

Framework for ESG Management

◆ Digitalization

Cashless Operations on Board

Efforts to Realize Crewless Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships

◆ The bet365 中文p’s Measures to Prevent COVID-19

Stable Transport Services

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.