NYK has been recognized for the company’s participation in the Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies vessel speed reduction (VSR) incentive program along the West Coast of North America conducted by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.*
NYK achieved the gold tier for a fourth year in a row and received an incentive of US,500 for the company’s fleet traveling at 10 knots or less for at least 50% of the VSR zones.
To protect whales and cut air pollution, this program encourages voluntary vessel speed reduction in the Santa Barbara Channel region and the San Francisco Bay area. For about six months from May 15, 2021, the program’s partners analyzed each participating company’s automatic information system (AIS) data and evaluated the company’s adherence to the request that vessels transit at 10 knots or less through the VSR zones. The incentive will be used to address social and environmental issues under the bet365 違法p Sustainability Initiative.**
For our participation in this program, we received photos with hand-drawn pictures of whales and dolphins along with messages of gratitude from elementary school students in California.
Children with message cards
Pictures drawn by children
In February 2021, bet365 違法leased the “NYK Group ESG Story,” which aims to further integrate ESG into the company’s management strategy and promotes activities that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through business activities. In March this year, bet365 違法leased the updated “NYK Group ESG Story 2022,” which introduces initiatives for integrating ESG into the Group’s management strategies set forth in the "NYK Group ESG Story" and provides a partial explanation of the Group’s sustainable growth strategy from a long-term perspective.
As a company that operates in the world's oceans, the prevention of air pollution and the protection of marine life is an important part of our mission, and we will continue to work even more earnestly to preserve the marine environment and biodiversity.
<The bet365 違法p ESG Story
A guideline detailing concrete efforts to integrate ESG into management strategies of the bet365 違法p.
Details: /english/news/2021/esg-story_01.html
<The bet365 違法p ESG Story 2022
Details: NYK Issues the bet365 ボーナス コードp ESG
* National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
A non-profit organization founded in 2000 that works to protect species and their habitats and conserve marine resources. Details: https://marinesanctuary.org/
** bet365 違法p Sustainability Initiatives
An bet365 違法p framework that aims to proactively resolve social and environmental issues under the theme of giving back to the oceans, earth, and people and to enhance corporate value for all stakeholders through these activities.
Details: bet365 出 金 楽天 銀行oup Sustainability
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