NYK also begins discussions on reconstruction of its bet365 入金 クレジット カードfice in central Tokyo
NYK, jointly with Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. (bet365 入金 クレジット カードfice: Tokyo; President & CEO: Atsushi Nakajima) and Kajima Corporation (bet365 入金 クレジット カードfice: Tokyo, President & Representative Director: Hiromasa Amano), established a special purpose company on July 11 to construct a mixed-use building on the site of the former Yokohama Building in Yokohama’s Naka Ward. The new 99-meter-tall structure is scheduled to be completed in the fall or winter of 2026 as a mixed-use building under Yokohama City's redevelopment plan for Kaigandori Avenue in Naka Ward.
NYK has also begun considering the reconstruction of the Yusen Building in central Tokyo (Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku), where NYK has its bet365 入金 クレジット カードfice, with completion occurring around the first half of 2030s. During reconstruction, the company would temporarily relocate its bet365 入金 クレジット カードfice functions to the new Yokohama Building.
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