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bet365 退会wedish Parliament Visit NYK

NYK Introduces Its DX-related Initiatives

On September 5, the bet365 退会p welcomed Ulrika Heie, chair of Sweden’s Centre Party and head of a delegation of the Committee on Transport and Communications, to the NYK head office in Tokyo together with 20 members of the Swedish parliament. NYK was represented by Nobuhiro Kashima, senior managing executive officer; Tomoyuki Koyama, president and representative director of Group company Japan Marine Science Inc.; and Hideki Suzuki, president and representative director of Group company MTI Co., Ltd.

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Front row, from right
First, Tomoyuki Koyama, President and Representative Director of Japan Marine Science Inc.
Second, Nobuhiro Kashima, Senior Managing Executive Officer of NYK
Third, Ulrika Heie, chair of Sweden’s Centre Party and Head of a delegation of the Committee on Transport and Communications
Fourth, Hideki Suzuki, President and Representative Director of MTI Co., Ltd.

NYK introduced the efforts of the Nippon Foundation MEGURI2040 Fully Autonomous Ship Program, in which four bet365 退会p companies are participating, and a DX (digital transformation) initiative that includes ship IoT and methods for collecting and utilizing big data for safe ship operations. NYK also covered research and development of ammonia-fueled ships, including the ammonia-fueled tugboat Sakigake, which was completed on August 23.

The delegation members explained Sweden's initiatives for the maritime industry and the current state of Sweden's social infrastructure, leading to a lively exchange of views and opinions.

In recent years, NYK-owned Rera As, a crew transfer vessel (CTV) for offshore wind power generation that began operating in July 2023 at the Ishikari Bay New Port offshore wind farm off Hokkaido, Japan, has received technical, sales, and crew training support from Northern Offshore Service (NOS), a subsidiary of Sweden-based Northern Offshore Group AB, one of the largest CTV operators in Europe.

Reference release: /english/news/2023/20230705_01.html

The bet365 退会p will continue to contribute to the evolution of social infrastructure by leveraging its accumulated technologies and working in cooperation with governments around the world.

On March 10, 2023, the bet365 退会p released its medium-term management plan “Notice of the Medium-Term Management Plan bet365 ログインuot;Sail Green, Drive Transformations ” The bet365 退会p is promoting growth strategies with ESG at the core, based on the Group’s basic philosophy of “Bringing value to life” and a new corporate vision for 2030, which reads, “we go beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise to co-create value required for the future by advancing our core business and growing new ones.”

Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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