Corporate Governance Initiative

Corporate Governance System

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

The Company ensures the transparency and efficiency of its management and strives to build and maintain an appropriate management structure to earn the trust of its shareholders, investors, customers, suppliers, communities, employees bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company and the NYK Group, and other stakeholders and to meet their expectations. Regarding its organizational form, the Company transitioned to a Company with Audit & Supervisory Committee in June 2023. By delegating decision-making authority for important business execution to the Executive Directors, the Company has built a structure for responding swiftly to dramatic changes in the business environment, and Executive Officers, in addition to the Executive Directors, execute the business bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company under the resolution and supervision bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors. In addition to the Board of Directors and the Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee, the Independent Outside Directors attend important committees and conferences, make recommendations related to governance and internal control, participate in activities at discussion meetings among directors, and visit business sites in and outside Japan.

The Company's basic framework and views of corporate governance are set forth in the "Corporate Governance Guidelines," which are disclosed on the website bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company.

Corporate Governance Organizational Structure bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company (As of June 19, 2024)

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Recent Major Initiatives to Strengthen the Organizational Structure

Changes in Organizational Design

  • Transitioned to a Company with Audit & Supervisory Committee as bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 21, 2023
  • Strengthening bet365 入金 デビット カードhe monitoring function bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors, and delegating authority to the executive directors to speed up decision-making
  • Introduction of planned agenda setting to enable focused deliberations on matters that will lead to longer-term corporate value enhancement

Revision of Board of Directors structure

  • Six out bet365 入金 デビット カードwelve are Independent Outside Directors

Recent Major Initiatives to Implement ESG Management

Changes in Structure

  • Established the ESG Strategy Headquarters
  • Changed the name of ESG Management Promotion Committee to ESG Strategy Committee. bet365 入金 デビット カードommittee is composed of executive officers and group managers representing each division and an external expert to strategically discuss a wide range of ESGrelated themes
More Information:

Reflection in Executive Compensation System

  • Introduced ESG indicators as one bet365 入金 デビット カードhe indicators for performance-based stock compensation

History of Enhancing Governance

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Enhancing the Effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors

Organizational Design Innovation

Separation of Management and Executive Side

The Company aims to speed up decision-making by delegating authority for important matters concerning business execution to executive directors and to improve the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors by extensively discussing at Board of Directors' meetings ways to improve corporate value, such as medium- to long-term management strategies, allocation of management resources including investment in human resources and intellectual property, execution of business portfolio-related strategies, sustainability, and response to major risks.
Under the business execution system, the Management Meeting, comprising executive officers such as bet365 入金 デビット カードhairman, CEO and bet365 入金 デビット カードhief Executives of Headquarters, deliberates on important matters related to business execution, including matters to be discussed by the Board of Directors, with decisions thereafter being made by bet365 入金 デビット カードEO, an executive director, to whom decision-making authority has been delegated.

Board of Directors-related data (as of June 19, 2024)

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Established Audit & Supervisory Committee

The Company aims to have a Board of Directors comprising at least one-third independent outside directors and an Audit & Supervisory Committee with a majority of independent outside directors with the aim of strengthening the supervisory function over management by making effective use of said committee. Furthermore, the Audit & Supervisory Committee is composed of directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members with the authority to vote at Board of Directors' meetings in order to strengthen the monitoring function bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors.

Activities of Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee

To enhance the transparency and objectivity bet365 入金 デビット カードhe deliberation process for officer nominations and compensation, the Company has established the Nomination Advisory Committee and the Compensation Advisory Committee as advisory committees to the Board of Directors, both having a majority of independent outside directors and being chaired by outside directors. The two committees discuss key matters regarding the appointment, dismissal, and compensation of directors (excluding directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members) and executive officers and provide reports or proposals to the Board of Directors.

Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee—Members and Their Attendance in Fiscal 2023

Operational Innovation

Size, Balance and Diversity of Board of Directors

The Company has established a policy regarding the balance, diversity, and size bet365 入金 デビット カードhe knowledge, experience, and abilities bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors as a whole, and discloses a skills matrix that lists the knowledge, experience, and abilities of directors, along with policies and procedures regarding the appointment of directors.

Skills Matrix of Directors (as of June 19, 2024) and Attendance at Board Meetings

Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members)

Directors Who Are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, etc.

Selection of Independent Outside Directors

To guarantee the independence of Outside Directors in substantive terms, in addition to the requirements for Outside Directors set forth in bet365 入金 デビット カードompanies Act, bet365 入金 デビット カードompany has established and disclosed independence criteria for outside officers established by the Board of Directors based on the independent criteria set forth by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
In addition, so we can anticipate their contributions to frank, active, and constructive deliberations in the Board of Directors, we elect as Independent Outside Directors persons who have broad knowledge or advanced expertise, excellent insight, a wealth of experience, and a good track record in their area of specialty.

Training for Directors and Corporate Officers

In order to achieve the medium- to long-term vision bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Group and improve sustainable corporate value, we provide opportunities for inside and outside directors, and executive officers to participate in in-house training and external courses to maintain the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors, deepen understanding of legal compliance such as fair trade, and improve governance functions.
We provide practical training, including timely lectures on the latest trends, as well as education for gaining knowledge on themes such as bet365 入金 デビット カードompanies Act, internal control, risk management, compliance, crisis management, business analysis, and financial strategy. We also actively arrange external lectures to share our expertise and skills in sustainability, such as "business and human rights" and sustainability information disclosure.

Example bet365 入金 デビット カードraining Menu
  • Operation of Board of Directors in a Company with Audit & Supervisory Committee
  • Directors' Legal Responsibilities in the Group Companies and Handling Scandals in Subsidiaries
  • Preparing for Future Sustainability Disclosures
  • Practical Response to CSRD - How should the roles be shared between Japanese head office and European offices?
  • Business and Human Rights - How to face bet365 入金 デビット カードhallenges we face because of our initiatives?

Evaluation bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors

Since fiscal 2015, the Company has continued to conduct a selfevaluation surveys on all directors with the aim of further improving the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors. In addition, in fiscal 2023, interviews by third-party advisors were conducted based on the results bet365 入金 デビット カードhe survey.

  1. 1Summary bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Fiscal 2023 Evaluation

    In fiscal 2023, we conducted a survey consisting of 17 questions under five topics, which were selected taking into account third party advisors' opinions. The five topics were (1) composition and operations bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors, (2) management strategies and business strategies, (3) corporate ethics and risk management, (4) performance monitoring and evaluation and compensation bet365 入金 デビット カードhe management, and (5) dialogues with shareholders. In addition, the survey covered the necessity of a forum for discussion only by outside directors as well as operations bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors and other meetings after the transition to a company with Audit & Supervisory Committee. Furthermore, interviews by third-party advisors were conducted with the aim of bringing clarity to and obtaining an in-depth understanding bet365 入金 デビット カードhe recognized issues and comments gained from the survey, as well as clarifying measures to further improve the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors by obtaining opinions on improvement measures and any other matters.

  2. 2

    Results bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Evaluation of Effectiveness

    ⅰ. Overview
    As a result of a discussion based on the survey results and interviews, it was determined that the Board of Directors was functioning appropriately and its effectiveness was ensured. In FY2023, in regard to (1) composition and operations bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors in particular improvement was observed by the arrangement of opportunities to explain the details of discussions at the Management Meeting to outside directors and the administration bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors by the chair person with the understanding of perspectives of outside directors through participating in a briefing to them on matters to be submitted to the Board of Directors, and the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors was enhanced. On the other hand, the Company has recognized that, in relation to (3) corporate ethics and risk management, amid a sense of ethics in society significantly changing, comments by outside directors an external perspective are important and the Company needs to implement further improvement of corporate culture with the Baard of Directors proactively engaging in this theme.

    ⅱ. Initiatives in Fiscal 2023

    Transition to a Company with Audit & Supervisory Committee

    Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 21, 2023, the Company transitioned from a company with Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with Audit & Supervisory Committee with the aim of working to strengthen monitoring functions, in addition to speeding up decision-making by delegating the decision-making authority for important business execution to the executive directors. Through this transition, we intended to improve the effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors by allocating more time for deliberation by the Board of Directors of matters that lead to the growth in corporate value, such as medium- to long-term management strategies, allocation of management resources, business portfolio, sustainability, and handling significant business risks. Regarding the evaluation bet365 入金 デビット カードhe transition, the Company has noted some views that not enough information has been accumulated with only one year since the transition. However, the Company has found no negative views and recognized that the Board of Directors is on its way to the further improvement of its effectiveness. Furthermore, the Company has recognized that there is room for improvement in setting an agenda to further take advantage of a company with Audit & Supervisory Committee, while noting that the Board of Directors had deeper discussions by giving priority in deliberations to matters related to medium- to long-term management strategies and sustainability, such as new strategic targets for decarbonization and human resources strategies.

    Issues of Diversity and Human Resources, Etc. Recognized in Fiscal 2022

    Based on the CX strategy aimed at further enhancement of human capital, transformation of Group management, and enhancement of governance, which was presented in a medium-term management plan announced in March 2023, the Company formulated the CX Story, which showed the history bet365 入金 デビット カードhe NYK Group and its target state as well as the CX 2030 vision and an overview bet365 入金 デビット カードhe strategy. Its action plan was also formulated. The Board of Directors held deeper discussions based on the above strategy and other materials and gave the executive side a direction to work to further evolve them, integrating opinions presented at the discussions.

  3. 3Initiatives in Fiscal 2024

    By utilizing the characteristics of a company with Audit & Supervisory Committee, the Company will continue to speed up decision-making and further strengthen monitoring functions. Regarding setting an agenda, for which the Company recognized that there is room for improvement, by clarifying the annual plan through carefully selecting an agenda and timing of its discussion and securing sufficient time for discussions in advance, the Company will effectively work on matters with a high priority. In particular, the Company plans to take matters such as the financial conditions and investment plans bet365 入金 デビット カードhe NYK Group; capital policies based on factors such as market trends; a structure responding to geopolitical risks that became apparent due to factors such as tense situations in Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East; and corporate ethics and risk management which were recognized as issues by the evaluation bet365 入金 デビット カードhe effectiveness bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors. In addition, as the target period bet365 入金 デビット カードhe performance-based stock compensation plan for current directors, etc., (excluding directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members) will end at the end of FY2024, we plan to discuss a new compensation plan to improve a compensation plan for directors, etc., taking this opportunity.

Auditing System

The Audit & Supervisory Committee bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company consists of five Audit & Supervisory Committee Members, including three Independent Outside Directors (including two female Committee Members), and, as an independent body entrusted by the shareholders, performs audits bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Directors execution bet365 入金 デビット カードheir duties. Specifically, in conformity with the Rules on Audit & Supervisory Committee and the Code of Audit & Supervisory Committee Auditing and Supervising Standards prescribed by the Audit & Supervisory Committee and in accordance with audit policies and plans, etc., the Committee systematically pursues audit activities on a day-today basis in close coordination with the internal audit division, assigning priority to auditing of matters such as the status of development and implementation of internal control systems, the status of development of operational foundations, and the status of promotion of management plans and other measures. The Audit & Supervisory Committee Members also attend important meetings, including Board of Directors meetings, request briefings about the status bet365 入金 デビット カードhe execution bet365 入金 デビット カードheir duties from the Executive Directors, employees, and others, and express their opinions. With regard to the Group companies, they communicate and exchange information with the Directors bet365 入金 デビット カードhose companies or the division, etc. in charge bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company and, when necessary, receive business reports and seek briefings. Furthermore, they also coordinate with the Auditors, etc. bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Group companies through liaison meetings and other means, in their efforts to raise the quality of audits bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Group as a whole. In addition, the Company has established an Audit & Supervisory Committee's Office to assist the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members in their duties and to support the smooth execution bet365 入金 デビット カードhose duties and has assigned four dedicated staff to that Office. The Outside Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members express their opinions from their respective independent positions at meetings bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Committee, and other forums, based on their wealth of experience and high degree of knowledge in their individual fields, and conduct audit activities such as hearing reports from the major Executive Directors and Executive Officers, the Accounting Auditors, and others. In so doing, they are contributing to the sound and fair management bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company.

Members bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Audit and Supervisory Board/Audit & Supervisory Committee and Board Meeting Attendance (in Fiscal 2023)

Accounting Audits

The certified public accountants who audit the Company's consolidated and non-consolidated financial statements are Yoshiaki Kitamura, Takuya Sumita, and Katsuhiro Shibata, all of whom are with the accounting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC. The fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 was the first year for continuous audits by the accounting firm, and the number of years for continuous audits by each member as an engagement partner is seven years or less. These accountants are assisted by 14 certified public accountants, four successful candidates bet365 入金 デビット カードhe certified public accountant examination, and 54 others. Audits are undertaken in accordance with standards generally accepted as fair and appropriate.
Major overseas consolidated subsidiaries that have financial statements and internal controls audited generally appoint accounting firms that belong to the same network (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited) as the independent auditor for bet365 入金 デビット カードompany.
The Audit & Supervisory Committee evaluates accounting auditors regarding their auditing systems, independence, and performance in accordance with NYK's standard evaluation sheet. The Board also decides whether to renew or dismiss accounting auditors each year.

Independent Auditor Remuneration

Relationship with Shareholders

We have established and disclosed bet365 入金 デビット カードorporate Governance Guidelines regarding our relationship with shareholders, including respect for voting rights, ensuring the rights and equality of shareholders, and preventing and prohibiting transactions that are contrary to the interests of shareholders.

Conflicts of Interest/Related Party Transactions

When the Company proposes to carry out a transaction with any of its Directors, it must be approved at the meeting bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors in advance in accordance with the Rules on the Board of Directors. Any important facts about the transaction are also reported at the meeting bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors after it is executed. To impose discipline on transactions between the Company and another company of which a Director bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company also serves as an executive, etc., the Company has introduced the rules such as Directors are required to report the status of any such concurrent positions to the Board of Directors every three months; if a Director intends to assume the office of representative director, etc., of another company that is not a wholly-owned subsidiary bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company, it must be approved by the Board of Directors in advance; and any Directors falling under a party with a special interest in its broadest definition cannot participate in voting at a meeting bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Board of Directors. Although there is no major shareholder that holds shares that are equivalent to more than 10% bet365 入金 デビット カードhe total voting rights at the end of March 31, 2024, if the Company proposes to carry out a transaction with any of its major shareholders in the future, the terms and conditions of such a transaction will be examined and determined in the same manner as applied to third party transactions.
The Corporate Governance Guidelines also stipulate "Prevention and Prohibition bet365 入金 デビット カードransactions that Would Harm the Interests of Shareholders."

Policy for Holding Strategic Shareholdings

The company is working to reduce its Strategic Shareholdings in its policy. In accordance with Article 5, Paragraph 2 bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Corporate Governance Guidelines established in November 2015, the Board of Directors examines the purpose and significance bet365 入金 デビット カードhe holding of individual Strategic Shareholdings on an annual basis, in relation to earnings targets based on capital costs, dividends, transaction status and effect on business activitiesetc. comprehensively. Based on the examination, the Board of Directors decides on measures to reduce Strategic Shareholdings. As a result, the number of listed stocks owned by the Company was 29 as bet365 入金 デビット カードhe end of FY2023, down 27 from 56 as bet365 入金 デビット カードhe end of FY2016.
The shares currently held by bet365 入金 デビット カードompany as Strategic Shareholdings are important business partners that are expected to have a long-term business relationship that contributes to the stability of our business performance and are considered appropriate as a means of maintaining or strengthening relations.
When exercising voting rights of strategic shareholdings, the Company shall decide to vote for or against agenda items by implementing assessment that each agenda item will not lead to the impairment of corporate value of an investee company and whether each agenda item will contribute to the enhancement bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company's corporate value and the degree of such contribution based on certain criteria. In particular, the Company shall establish separate criteria and deliberate on whether to vote for or against proposals on the two topics below.

(1) Appropriation of surplus

  • Whether the proposal will cause significant problems with financial soundness
  • Whether internal reserves are markedly short of an appropriate level
  • Whether the proposal will be appreciated as a means of shareholder returns to a certain extent in terms of payout ratio, etc

(2) Proposals for the election of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board Members

  • Whether bet365 入金 デビット カードompany reported loss and paid no dividends in the past three fiscal years, and is not expected to make any improvements
  • Whether there was serious misconduct, such as an unlawful act, causing a certain level of impact on business performance, and there deem to be no appropriate disclosure of preventive measures or improvement measures, etc.
  • in the event that either bet365 入金 デビット カードhe above conditions is true, whether there are any circumstances that should be given special consideration

Executive Compensation

In addition to establishing "Policies for Determining Compensation for Directors and Executive Officers," the Company clearly states in its "Corporate Governance Guidelines" that an appropriate evaluation bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Company's performance and other factors should be reflected in the remuneration, etc., of Directors or Executive Officers who concurrently serve as Executive Officers.

Performance-Based Stock Compensation Plan

bet365 入金 デビット カードompany introduced a performance-based stock compensation plan in fiscal 2016 to provide a highly transparent and objective executive compensation plan.
In fiscal 2022, bet365 入金 デビット カードompany partially revised the details of said plan with a view to further accelerating ESG management and establishing shared interests between executives and shareholders over the medium to long term.

Overview bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Performance-Based Stock Compensation Plan

Performance-Based Monetary Compensation Plan

In fiscal 2022, the Company introduced a performance-based monetary compensation plan with a separate budget for basic compensation. The purpose bet365 入金 デビット カードhe plan is to increase the shortterm incentives for directors and executive officers to contribute to earnings and provide a mechanism for helping increase corporate value.

Overview bet365 入金 デビット カードhe Performance-Based Monetary Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan for Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members), etc.

Compensation Structure

Payment of Performance-Based Monetary Compensation and Delivery, etc., of Performance-Based Stock Compensation

Total amount of Executive Compensation, etc. (FY2023)

Total amount of compensation, etc. for officers whose total amount of compensation, etc. are ¥100 million or more (FY2023)