bet365 ボーナスコードontrol System
Responsibility and Structure
Our Group maintains the bet365 ボーナスコードontrol Committee, which acts as a complementary body to the Board of Directors. This committee confirms the status of bet365 ボーナスコードontrol for the four purposes of reliability of reporting, compliance with laws and regulations, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, and preservation of assets, and if any problems are found, takes corrective measures to ensure that the relevant departments operate bet365 ボーナスコードontrol appropriately and efficiently.
(Major committees related to bet365 ボーナスコードontrol)
- bet365 ボーナスコードontrol Committee
- Risk Management Committee
- Compliance Committee
- Safety and Environmental Management Committee
bet365 ボーナスコードontrol Committee
The bet365 ボーナスコードontrol Committee monitors the main bet365 ボーナスコードontrol activities of the Company and the Group and identifies and confirms bet365 ボーナスコードontrol issues. Moreover, the committee formulates policies on bet365 ボーナスコードontrols to ensure the effectiveness of bet365 ボーナスコードontrol activities, and the Board of Directors decides on the framework of the bet365 ボーナスコードontrol system.
The bet365 ボーナスコードontrol Committee monitors the activities of corporate departments that determine Companywide systems and bet365 ボーナスコードommittees and meetings responsible for cross-functional systems with the objective of verifying their operating status. It also deliberates and formulates policies on future bet365 ボーナスコードontrol activities.
In fiscal 2023, the committee examined the structure and implementation status of bet365 ボーナスコードontrols in the areas deemed most important and confirmed that there were no serious deficiencies in its bet365 ボーナスコードontrol.
bet365 ボーナスコードontrol over Financial Reporting
In regard to bet365 ボーナスコードontrol over financial reporting, the Group has designed and operated bet365 ボーナスコードontrols in conformance with the practice standards mandated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and has established policies and operational rules for appropriate accounting and financial reporting, and the bet365 ボーナスコードontrol reporting system, and the Committee for information disclosure to ensure the appropriateness of financial reporting.
bet365 ボーナスコードuditing Activities
The committee reviews and evaluates the status of management and operational systems and business execution at the Company and its Group companies from the perspective of legality and rationality, and seeks to preserve corporate assets and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of business management by providing advice and recommendations for improvement. The bet365 ボーナスコードudit plan is approved by the President and the Audit & Supervisory Committee. In conducting audits, the committee regularly exchanges opinions with Audit & Supervisory Committee members and confirm issues with related departments in advance, thereby enhancing the efficiency and usefulness of audits. In addition, the committee has established a system whereby the bet365 ボーナスコードudit department provides appropriate direct reports on the status of bet365 ボーナスコードudits to bet365 ボーナスコードnd outside directors, ensuring collaboration with the directors and reporting to the Board of Directors.
Audit of domestic companies
bet365 ボーナスコード regularly conducts business audits of the Company and each of its domestic Group companies, and continuously evolves its data auditing methods, such as analyzing expense, accounting, and attendance data to detect outliers.
Given that auditing methods requires personnel with specialist knowledge, bet365 ボーナスコードudit Chamber personnel have been seconded to the Company from Group companies Yusen Logistics Co. Ltd., and we also actively promote external personnel to improve audit quality by utilizing multifaceted knowledge and having bet365 ボーナスコードuditors mutually share and promote understanding of new audit methods.
In fiscal 2023, we conducted 24 audits for the NYK headquarters, its branches, and Group companies. We also work with relevant internal departments to deepen the audit scope and improve the effectiveness of follow-up.
Audit of overseas companies
bet365 ボーナスコードuditors belonging to the four group regional headquarters conduct periodic bet365 ボーナスコードudits of group companies overseas (implemented at 65 companies in fiscal 2023).
Findings that audits identify are reported not only to the officer responsible at the headquarters that provides direction and oversight but also to the regional heads overseas to help raise the overall level of bet365 ボーナスコードontrol in each region.
The staff of the Internal Audit Chamber and the internal auditors overseas contribute to enhancement of the bet365 ボーナスコードontrol of the NYK Group as a whole by conducting the audits based on the same philosophy and rules and in accordance with the accounting data analysis.