New Jointly Owned LNG Carrier with JERbet365 出 金amed

On May 14, bet365 出 金aming ceremony was held at the Nagasaki shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. for bet365 出 金ew liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier that NYK and JERA Co. Inc.* will jointly own.** The ceremony was attended by Satoshi Onoda, president of JERA Co. Inc.; Tadaaki Naito, president of NYK; and bet365 出 金umber of related parties.

At bet365 出 金eremony, the ship was named “Bushu Maru” by Mr. Onoda, and bet365 出 金eremonial rope holding the vessel in place was cut by his wife. The ship derives its name from Musashi province, which is also known as Bushu, the historical name of a province that today comprises Tokyo, Saitama prefecture, and part of Kanagawa prefecture. JERA’s Higashi-Ohgishima LNG Thermal Power Station is located in Kawasaki city in Kanagawa prefecture.

The ship will be delivered in June 2019 and assigned to transport LNG for a 20-year period from the Freeport LNG Project in which JERA has an equity interest. This project is based in the U.S. state of Texas, and NYK will be responsible for ship management of the vessel.

In accordance with its medium-term management plan “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green,” the bet365 出 金p continues to secure stable freight rates through the promotion of the company’s LNG fleet plan.

* JERA Co. Inc.
Jointly established by TEPCO Fuel & Power Inc. and Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc. Headquarters: Tokyo; president: Satoshi Onoda.

** In 2015, NYK and JERA jointly established Trans Pacific Shipping 6 Limited (equally owned by NYK and JERA) to own LNG vessels.

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Front row, fifth from left, Satoshi Onoda, president of JERA; seventh, Seiji Izumisawa, president and CEO of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; fourth, Tadaaki Naito, NYK president.

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- Outline of Bushu Maru
Length overall: 297.50 meters
Breadth: 48.94 meters
Gross tonnage: 149,367 tons
Cargo tank capacity: about 180,000 cubic meters
Main engine: STaGE (Steam Turbine and Gas Engines)
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Structure Co. Ltd.
Flag: Bahamas

- Reference

The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.