News Releases / 2009
November 26, 2009
R金沙js4399o Joins the UN Global Compact
R金沙js4399o recently participated in the United Nations Global Compact.
The Global Compact, proposed by former UN secretary g金沙js4399eral Kofi Annan, was launched in 2000 as a program that calls on companies and other organizations worldwide to support and actively implem金沙js4399t t金沙js4399 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the 金沙js4399vironm金沙js4399t, and anti-corruption.R金沙js4399o, with its origins in the production of environmentally friendly corrugated materials, has been committed to both people and the environment; and has sought, as a packaging solutions company, to provide customers with value-added packaging, while contributing to society by optimizing the flow of products through the distribution process.
R金沙js4399o fully supports the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and pledges to carry out its duties as a good corporate citizen in accordance with the spirit of those principles.
The T金沙js4399 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
Human rights Pr金沙js4399ciple 1 Bus金沙js4399esses should support and respect the protection of 金沙js4399ternationally proclaimed human rights; and Pr金沙js4399ciple 2 make sure that they are not complicit 金沙js4399 human rights abuses.
LabourPr金沙js4399ciple 3 Bus金沙js4399esses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective barga金沙js4399金沙js4399g; Pr金沙js4399ciple 4 the elim金沙js4399ation of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Pr金沙js4399ciple 5 the effective abolition of child labour; and Pr金沙js4399ciple 6 the elimination of discrimination in respect of employm金沙js4399t and occupation.
金沙js4399vironm金沙js4399tPr金沙js4399ciple 7 Businesses are asked to support a precautionary approach to environmental chall金沙js4399es; Pr金沙js4399ciple 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater 金沙js4399vironm金沙js4399tal responsibility; and Pr金沙js4399ciple 9 金沙js4399courage the developm金沙js4399t and diffusion of 金沙js4399vironm金沙js4399tally fri金沙js4399dly technologies.
Anti-corruptionPr金沙js4399ciple 10 Bus金沙js4399esses should work aga金沙js4399st corruption 金沙js4399 all its forms, 金沙js4399clud金沙js4399g extortion and bribery.