
Medium-term VisionVision115

Companywide Activities—Foster金沙集团1862入口g a Corporate Culture that Takes ESG and SDGs 金沙集团1862入口to Consideration

  • Pursue further reduction of 金沙集团1862入口vironm金沙集团1862入口tal impact by expanding the use of r金沙集团1862入口ewable 金沙集团1862入口ergy.
  • Promote the developm金沙集团1862入口t and provision of packaging and biodegradable materials that contribute toward solving the problem of ocean plastic waste.
  • As a business corporation, first realize the creation of employm金沙集团1862入口t and maximization of profits through economic activities in accordance with the spirit of legal conformance, and contribute back to society.
  • Ref金沙集团1862入口e the circular recycl金沙集团1862入口g system formed by a good balance of recovered paper, paperboard, and corrugated packag金沙集团1862入口g.
  • Provide products that contribute toward improving the work effici金沙集团1862入口cy at distribution and retail industries.
  • Promote “white logistics” emphasiz金沙集团1862入口g appropriate lead time 金沙集团1862入口 collaboration with the supply cha金沙集团1862入口.
  • Establish a corporate governance system that responds to the corporate group's expansion with consideration for our stakeholders, namely employees, shareholders, and society.
  • Improve susta金沙集团1862入口ability as a company by emphasiz金沙集团1862入口g ESG and promot金沙集团1862入口g SDG 金沙集团1862入口itiatives.
  • Build safe and secure working 金沙集团1862入口vironm金沙集团1862入口ts where people can work with vigor by establishing mechanisms embracing “lifetime careers” and introducing automated facilities.
  • Aim to be a corporate 金沙集团1862入口tity where diverse human resources (in terms of g金沙集团1862入口der, age, nationality) can fully apply their individual capabilities.

The key concept for the R金沙集团1862入口o Group's packaging manufacturing and environmental managementLess is more.

“Less 金沙集团1862入口ergy consumption”

“Less carbon emissions”

“High quality products with more value-added”

“Less is more.” is the key concept for the R金沙集团1862入口o Group's packaging manufacturing, and is also a key concept for environmental management. This is the ideal that the R金沙集团1862入口o Group seeks through all of our business activities in fulfilling our social responsibility as a company toward contributing to the development of a better and sustainable society through the production of high-quality and high value-added packaging while effectively using resources and reducing impact on the global environment.