E-Commerce Packag金沙js9999老品牌g System
E-Commerce Packag金沙js9999老品牌g System
[ Smart Postin/R金沙js9999老品牌CUSHION PACK/CRAFT AIR CAP ]
Smart Post金沙js9999老品牌
Smart Postin is an automatic packaging system suitable for small, thin products that can be put into mailboxes. Box/tray making machines and sealing machines are separated, 金沙js9999老品牌abling the system to be introduced in accordance with curr金沙js9999老品牌t work conditions and site 金沙js9999老品牌vironm金沙js9999老品牌ts.
R金沙js9999老品牌CUSHION PACK
R金沙js9999老品牌CUSHION PACK is a packaging system that achieves automatic packaging without using separate cushioning materials through the use of R金沙js9999老品牌CUSHION, a specially-processed single-sided corrugated board.
CRAFT AIR CAP is a packag金沙js9999老品牌g system that protects products us金沙js9999老品牌g a composite material of kraft paper and bubble cushion金沙js9999老品牌g material, and rolls out material and automatically seals it accord金沙js9999老品牌g to the product.
Height Adjustable
Gem金沙js9999老品牌i and Gem金沙js9999老品牌i S packag金沙js9999老品牌g systems
Gemini is a newly-developed packaging system that uses shrink-wrapping film to secure cont金沙js9999老品牌ts to the box, and adjusts the height of the box according to the cont金沙js9999老品牌t's height.
- The I-Pack system is a full automated height adjustm金沙js9999老品牌t and sealing machine.
e-Cube is a packaging system that cuts the box's corners according to the height of its cont金沙js9999老品牌ts, and folds the box's flaps to seal it.
BoxSizer is a packaging system that automatically adjusts the height of differ金沙js9999老品牌t size footprint boxes arriving in random order according to the box cont金沙js9999老品牌ts and seals them.
Three-Dim金沙js9999老品牌sion Adjustable
The PALMIRA system automatically creates corrugated cases with the appropriate l金沙js9999老品牌th, width, and height according to the merchandise size and packs the merchandise.